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Now if you’re a responsible vehicle owner, then you already know the importance of regular tune ups and oil changes.  I’ll give you two reasons why you should conduct regular auto tune ups: (1) It helps keep your car performing at its best by making sure your engine and ignition components are in great shape, and (2) it helps you catch small auto issues before they become full-blown, migraine-inducing, automotive problems—possibly saving you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

But, there are other mechanical problems that may need to be diagnosed by your OTS automotive specialist!
This is just a common issue in an aging vehicle.


OTS provides many
outstanding services such
as but not limited to...











Electrical issues are a mystery to many DIYers, as well as some technicians. I think it's because you really can't see or touch electricity in the same way you can with other working components on your vehicle. Sure, we can see the effects of electricity, or the lack of effect in the case of a failure, but we can't necessarily put our hands on it like we can with other vehicle components that might fail. For that reason, we need to have a basic understanding of electricity and how it works in automotive systems before we get started.


If you can't figure it out, maybe your OTS specialist can.
Give us a call!



Most of the time, we consider engine problems to be those that cause our rides to buck and stall. The thing is, sometimes engine problems can occur while you’re moving. It’s a bit more dangerous, especially if the engine trouble is severe, causing you to lose control over your vehicle. The moment you experience engine problems, do slow down until you get to your destination. If the problem is grave, pull over and contact your OTS automotive specialist to avoid risking complete vehicle breakdown.



You can avoid most instances of brake failure by ihaving your brake fluid cheked regularly and changing it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You should also have your entire brake system inspected at regular intervals or if you notice any change in the performance of your brakes. Don’t put off making necessary repairs or performing routine maintenance.

Contact your OTS service specialist and schedule your next brake inspection!

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